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The White Paper on Serving the Citizen

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2019-04-26
  • View count:2537


A prison carries the burden of traditional ideas and images and is often perceived in a negative light; even modern prisons find a challenge altering such stereotypes. In addition to using passive measures in preventing accidents, modern prisons are also actively helping inmates feel remorse for past transgressions and make changes to fit into society. The Prison has excellent quality of leadership, and all the staff participates in taking care of inmates with thoughtfulness, patience, and love. The Prison also sincerely hires related specialists and volunteers to assist with the edification and education of the inmates in starting all over again. The Prison further serves inmates’ family members, community, and society with the principle of “service”. With the spirit of convenience, intimate consideration, and quality service, we will never cease to innovate with change, improve facility, beautify environment, and care about community. As far as the laws allow, we shall strive in our utmost to preserve citizens’ rights, and provide the best service as possible. We sincerely hope you continue to support and encourage us. 

2.Basic Principles of Service

    (1)Principle of discreet processing: Regardless of the size of the citizens case, all cases shall be valued equally important and processed with prudence. Take initiatives to consider from the position of  people concerned and solve the problems with satisfaction. 

    (2)Principle of professional processing: Strictly demands undertakers to be familiar with related systems and regulations and use them maturely and perfectly, so that questions raised by peopleconcerned may be answered instantly and served quickly with accuracy and satisfaction.

    (3)Principle of mutual communication: Serve citizens with sincere attitude, and strictly follow laws and regulations. Legally eligible request demanded by people concerned shall be solved with sincere  attitude, and no legally eligible request shall be explained in a mild tone.

    (4)Principle of Empathy: Recognize the feelings of the people involved; their inquiries and statement will be listened to and explained with patience. Try the best to listen to unfairness felt by people involved. In the case where regulations are misinterpreted by people the people involved, more patience and mild explanations will be given.

3.Services Provided by All Sections or Offices

    (1)Guard and Control Section
        (a)Establish interactive relationship with inmates’ family members: In order to prevent security incidents, this Section adopts active communication with inmates, and contacts with inmates’family members. For unstable emotion and hospitalized inmates, gentle communication of family relationship is used to prevent possible security incidents.

        (b)Single Window for Visit Administration: In order to strengthen visitor services for inmates’family members, this Section has began to plan for a single-window service to offer the fastest and convenient services for inmates’ family members.
        (c)Legally administered reasonable discipline: All disciplines adopted by the Section are based on law-compliance administration. All inmates are expected to feel remorse for past transgressions and fit back into society.
    (2)Edification and Education Section
        (a)Induce social resource: Religious edification and education, guidance from volunteer counsel and social worker, resident priest guidance and edification and education, and non-scheduled in-prison activity offered by other public welfare groups such as Prison Inmate Care Association.
        (b)Arts and Entertainment Activity: Talent workshop – calligraphy and painting classes; readers club – general readers club and English readers club, writing class, chorus class, book exhibition, and new book recommendation; family visit activity – face to face visit or telephone visit for inmates and their family members on three major holidays of a year; and all types of contests – innovative environment protection model, table tennis contest, volley ball contest, poster contest, composition contest, stage play contest, and etc.
        (c)Others: Offer consultations for parole system and regulations related to progressive corrective measures.
    (3)Sanitation and Health Section
Sanitation and Health Section tasks can be divided into 3 parts: sanitation and health administration, health care, and medical treatment. Sanitation and health administration is responsible for administrative affairs related to medical treatments such as reporting inmates’ guarded  hospitalization, medical treatment on bail, or notice to family members. In order to increase the quality of the in-prison medical services, the Prison has sought for cooperation with medical institutes and hired contracted physicians. Attention is paid to daily health  care and medical treatment quality is focused if sickness develops. Medical service provided by the Prison includes internal medicine, surgery, household medicine, dentist.
    (4)Investigation Section
        (a)Assist universities civilian research institutes and their students in conducting related academic interviews, surveys, and collection of information.
        (b)Conduct a survey to find out needs of inmates’ family members every half year, and issue an official request letter to the Red Heart Association or all branches of the Taiwan After Care Association, requesting member assistance in counseling families through difficulties and fulfilling specific needs.
        (c)Assist weak elderly or physically challenged inmates in returning home after discharge from prison by contacting their family members for pick up.
        (d)For discharged inmates with psychological illnesses, low IQ or mobility problems, if family members cannot be contacted for pick up, in order to prevent these individuals from going stray or running into trouble, the Prison will dispatch a transport vehicle to escort them to their residence. For discharged inmates who have no relatives in Taiwan, the Prison will contact the Taiwan After Care Association and jointly escort them to a settlement institute.
    (5)Business Section

    (6)General Affair Section
        (a)Maintain friendly relationship with adjacent communities: Make proper use of labor to serve community such as cleaning streets and parks.
        (b)Offer remote visit window: Burden of long distance traffic is reduced for family members at remote locations.
        (c)Offer authentication of stamp seal and proof of imprisonment: Inmates’ family members may conveniently receive all types of social welfare and aide.
        (d)Administer funeral leave and home visiting: Assist and comfort inmates who suffer from loss of loved ones.
        (e)Conduct businesses such as administration, maintenance, procurement, and citizens’ related matters according to laws with active and solid attitude.
    (7)Personnel Office
        (a)Strengthen awareness and promotion of core values so that the staff may fully be aware of and reach consensus about the concept and meaningful core values.
        (b)Reasonably control the organization and manning quota and effectively use human resource.
        (c)Promote employee metal health assistance mechanism, plan for related seminars, promote a variety of club activities, relieve work pressure, and promote colleagues’physical and metal health development.
        (d)Thoroughly implement performance assessment and strengthen public employee’s disciplines. Solidly execute staff routine performance appraisal and assessment tasks.
        (e)Strengthen public employee’s English proficiency, offer good learning environment, and encourage public employee’s lifetime learning.
        (f)Continue to promote performance bonus, implement management by objective, and increase administrative efficiency.
    (8)Statistics Office
        (a)Update content of official website for the Prison.
        (b)Promote sub-systems of new jail system.
        (c)Strengthen colleagues’ basic knowledge of information security.
        (d)Increase ratio of electronic exchange of official document.
        (e)Maintain computer room’s safety.
    (9)Accounting Office
Allocate pubic resources to the Prison from a macro perspective, improve efficiency of use of resources, enhance financial efficiency of Government, and offer decision-making support functions.
    (10)Government Ethics Office
        (a)Establish an honest, capable Government that is corruption-free, efficient, and provides convenient services to citizens.
        (b)Discover administrative shortfalls as reference for organization’s administration.
        (c)Adopt stringent measures to prevent corruption an actively prevent all possible malpractices.
        (d)Accept and investigate reports of corruption and illegal incidents.
        (e)Return property and items that given as gifts by citizens and conduct related procedures according to due process. 

4. Key Measures of Service
    (1)Collect public opinions, review current citizen services and increase service quality: Conduct public opinion survey, analyze result of survey, improve deficiency in service, and widely accept       citizens’ comments such as letters, emails, and telephones.
    (2)Standardize operations, simplify procedures, and increase administrative efficiency: Administer according to laws transparently and consistently, shorten operation procedures, and develop depth and width of services.
    (3)Pay attention to politeness while serving, strengthen self-assessment, respond to all needs, create a sincere environment, and establish an image of quality service: In response to family members’ visits, the Prison has established car/motorcycle parking lots, handicap ramp, handicap parking, waiting area for family members, diagram of visit procedure, Session number display, electronic text display, public telephone, courtesy glasses, pens and papers, drinking fountain, television,newspapers, magazines, and paper cups, paper tissues for family members’ use. Wall paintings, calligraphic paper sculpture, and flower decoration are also set up for the pleasures of waiting visitors.
    (4)Visit enterprises and observe other organizations of similar businesses, invite scholars and experts to delivery speeches in the Prison, induce new ideas, absorb model practices, and improve shortfalls: inspect and learn from other prisons’simplified operation, sponsor various seminars such as risk management and emotion management, encourage colleagues to learn new knowledge and develop physical and mental health, promote club activities, encourage colleagues to visit ancient monuments and scenic spots, create an English-speaking environment, and offer classes for General English Proficiency Test and encourage colleagues to take the test.
    (5)Cultivate Information Experts, integrate computer technology, provide online application and query, and simplify administrative procedure: Appoint and assign colleagues to attend classes offered by Information Department of Ministry of Justice, such as Advance Word document editing, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, PC configuration and maintenance, and data recovery, to cultivate information experts for simplifying administrative procedures.
    (6)Combine society resources and invite groups, scholars, experts, or related individuals to jointly participate in administrative measures and assist implementation of all tasks: Introduce religion groups to the Prison for religion counseling that honor counsels and volunteers shall guide inmates, establish Corrective Treament Research Committee, edification and education, operation, hygiene, and investigation guidance committees, invite scholars and experts from all lines of works in society to offer opinions, and assist implementation of all tasks of the Prison.

5. Welcome to Contact with Us
    Your opinion or comments foraour services are welcome and will be referenced for improvement.
    For complaint: +886-6-6987797 Ext.181
    For reporting illegal practice: +886-6-6987797 Ext.113
    For Fax: +886-6-6982489
    Address: No.161, Zengwen St., Liujia Dist., Tainan City 734, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
    Email: tn2pmail@mail.moj.gov.tw

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