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Key Points For Implementing Visits

  • Publication Date :
  • Last updated:2018-11-14
  • View count:2941

                           Key Points For Implementing Visits at Tainan Second Prison

        1. Number of Visitors per Visit Allowed:

          A maximum of 3 persons per visit is allowed (children under the age of 5 are not counted).
          Visitation Rules

            1. Visitor Identification Limit:

              Inmates of Level 4 or lower are limited to be visited by closest relatives. Inmates of Level 3 are limited to be visited by relatives and friends.

            1. Count of Visits Allowed:

              In accordance to the Statute of Progressive Execution of Penalty, the allotted number of visits permitted for inmates of all levels is listed below:

                1. No level assigned and level 4 inmates: once per week

                1. Level 3 inmates: 2 times per week

                1. Level 2 inmates: once every 3 days

                1. Level 1 inmates: Once per day

    1. Visitor Hours

        1. Monday through Friday

          8:30 am to 11:00, and 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm

        1. Weekends

          Every first Sunday of every month: 8:00 am to 11:00, and 1:30 pm to 4:00 pm

    1. Visitor Registration

        1. Present original copy of Citizen ID card to prove identification and relationship, which are solely construed with information kept by the Prison. Persons of age 5 to 14 without Citizen ID card shall present household registration (book) for prison registration. No visit will be allowed if Citizen ID card or eligible proof of identification is not presented.

        1. Take a ticket number at the service counter; guest registration will be processed according to order received. The registration clerk will issue a visitor permit to the guest, which all guests are required to have before visiting inmates. Those who do not complete registration may not substitute for or accompany with registered visitor to meet inmates.

        1. Take a ticket number at the service counter; guest registration will be processed according to order received. The registration clerk will issue a visitor permit to the guest, which all guests are required to have before visiting inmates. Those who do not complete registration may not substitute for or accompany with registered visitor to meet inmates.

    1. Notice

          Once seating is assigned to visitors it may not be changed without permission. The Reception Room supervisor may do impromptu inspections. If individuals are found changing assigned seating, then the visit will be cancelled immediately and the inmate will receive punishment according to prison regulations.

    1. Dollar Amount of Purchase

          Total dollar amount of purchase made by relatives and friends of inmates at the Cooperative Store of the Prison may not exceed NT$2,000.

    1. Information Hotline for Visitor

        1. During Office Hours of Reception Room

          +886-6-6981300 [Visit Registration]

        1. Holiday and Lunch Break

          +886-6-6987797  Ext. 181

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