Key Points for Remote Visit at Corrective Institutes of Ministry of Justice
- Publication Date :
- Last updated:2018-12-25
- View count:2007
Key Points for Remote Visit at Corrective Institutes of Ministry of Justice
To allow spouse, family members, public and volunteer defense attorneys of inmates kept in the prisons, skill training institute, juvenile reform schools, juvenile correction schools, detention centers, and juvenile detention houses (herein after referred to as corrective organization for inmates) that are equipped with remote visit facility to conveniently apply for remote visit from organizations equipped with remote visit facility (herein after referred to as organizations that accept application for remote visit in proximity), this Key Points have been specially established.
Spouse, lineal relative by blood, collateral relative by blood within the third degree of relationship, and relative by marriage within second degree of relationship of inmate may apply for remote visit by sending proof of relations via registered mail or fax to the correction organization where the inmate is being kept.
Inmates may receive one 30-minute remote visit per week upon application filed by spouse or relatives mentioned in above. However, organizations can make exceptions if the supervisors of such institutes make prior approval. In addition to the proviso of Article 34 of Code of Criminal Procedure, public or voluntary attorney of defensive may apply for remote visit as so required by the situation of a case, where judge or prosecutor may impose limit on boundary of visit according to the specific case. The Third Point of this Key Point does not limit such application.
Inmates that are prohibited from visitor or communication by prosecutor or judge or under review probation may not receive remote visit.
Individuals applying for remote visit for the first time should first fill out an application form (see attachment 1), and mail the application form via registered mail or fax to the correction organization where the inmate is being kept one week prior to preferred visit time. After the application is approved, the applicant will be notified by phone or letter about arranged time and date of visit and nearby organization for remote visit. Those who have been approved for remote visit by the correction organization where the previously visited inmate is kept may have the priority to apply from the correction organization where the previously visited inmate is kept by phone one week prior to the selected time of visit.
In case an inmate is not available for remote visit due to violation or other matters, the correction organization that holds the inmate shall notify the applicant via mail or telephone that the remote visit has been cancelled and notify the nearby undertaking organization of the visit.
Once application for remote visit is approved, applicant should go to nearby undertaking organization at assigned date and time to fill up remote visit registration form (see attachment 2); those applicants who fail the registration requirements at the nearby remote visit undertaking organization three times will be suspended for remote visits for three months by the correction organization that holds the inmate.
Nearby remote visit undertaking organization may reject remote visit if one of the following happens to those applicants whose applications have been approved by the correction organization that holds the inmate:
Identification proof is not presented
Suspicious behavior
Drunk or mental status is not normal
Those who do not complete registration may not substitute for or accompany with registered visitor to meet inmate.
If applicant of a remote visit is the inmate’s spouse or family member who are elderly, sick, or physically or mentally challenged as described in Item 1 of Point 2, then the nearby undertaking organization should send personnel to provide assistance.
During remote visit, the correction organization that holds the inmate should assign dedicated personnel to monitor the conversation, make audio and video recordings, produce a conversation record, and send to the organizations supervisor for review.
Any other matters that are not regulated in these Key Points during remote visit will be subject to applicable laws and regulations
Tainan Second Prison ,Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice Remote Visit
No.161, Zengwen St., Liujia Dist., Tainan City 734, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Inquiry Line for Remote Visit: +886-6-6981300
Fax Line for Remote Visit: +886-6-6980800