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- Last updated:2019-09-10
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Tainan Second Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice was officially established on July 16, 2015 via the mandate of Executive Yuan. Its capacity is 1100 people on the mandate of Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice.
Tainan Prison, Ministry of Defense (hereinafter referred to as Tainan Military Prison) was establish ed in 1962 in Taitung County as "Taiyuan Sentinel Prison, Ministry of Defense." On February 8th, 1970, a group of political prisons fighting for Taiwan independence movement (Jinhe Zheng鄭金河, Liang Chen陳良, Tianzeng Zhan詹天增, Zhengcheng Zheng鄭正成, Dongrong Xie謝東榮, Bingxing Jiang江炳興et al.) and prison guards of Taiyuan Prison, as well as some aboriginal youths colluded to rob the prison, seize the radio station and aimed at the realization of Taiwan independence. However, it was soon suppressed by the collaboration among soldiers, police officers, and aboriginals. This uprising was called Taiyuan Incident. Not long after the incident, all political prisoners of Taiyuan Prison were transferred under strict surveillance to the so-called Green Island Lodge on Green Island. Furthermore, many people are sentenced to death. In 1973, Taiyuan Sentinel Prison was renamed as "Taiyuan Prison, Ministry of Defense." In 1974, it was moved to Shijian St., North Dist., Tainan City and renamed as "Tainan Prison, Ministry of Defense" (referred to as Tainan Military Prison, also called Rixin Villa) and in 1980, it was moved again to Liujia Dist., Tainan City (current address, that is why it is also known as Liujia Military Prison). On November, 2005, Ministry of Defense implemented an organizational reform called “ Jingjin Program” (Armed Forces Streamlining Program). Therefore, Sindian Prison, Ministry of National Defense was dissolved and its business was taken over by Tainan Military Prison. At that time, Tainan Prison, Ministry of Defense becomes the only military prison in Taiwan.
Tainan Military Prison (Rixin Villa) is located at Zengwen Street, Liujia District, Tainan City, and close to Liujia downtown area and Freeway No.3 , Guan Tian Interchange. The transferred area is about 9.38 hectares. There are 24 restricted houses, 28 buildings, and 65 pieces of land. In addition to office homes, wards, workshops, other important facilities include sentinels, walls, training buildings, inculcation room, sports field, etc.. These facilities have been used over 30 years so are slightly old. The maximum capacity is 1,518 people. Tainan Prison, Ministry of Defense was transferred to Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Defense on January 17th, 2003.